This is your chance to help make a positive difference in schools in this area – Northern Lights is on the lookout for enthusiastic people with passion who want to join our school governing bodies.
At the heart of every school is a team of school governors. The Local Governing Body (LGB) helps shape the ethos and vision, is a critical friend to the headteacher and keeps a close eye on the finances.
What’s more, governors turn out regularly for meetings, are on hand for school events and can be relied upon to act as sounding boards for new ideas.
School governors work as a team of volunteers and each year elect one of their own as chair. Governors have a collective responsibility; in meetings when decisions are being made, a simple majority settles matters and all have to agree with the decision. There is no hierarchy and each governor has the same amount of power as another – irrespective of if they join the board by being a parent or grandparent of a pupil, or nominated by the trust or co-opted by other board members.
While many school governors, trustees and members are parents, or had children who have gone through the school, many are not and are instead motivated by a sense of community, wanting to give something back to society and a desire to play their part in improving education standards.
Those involved in governance at any level share a commitment to upholding the values and expectations of people in public office – and are incredibly diverse in what jobs they do (or don’t do), their ages, backgrounds and skills. It’s a great opportunity to share your life experience in a new, stimulating environment.
With certain exceptions, anyone over the age of 18 can be a governor. No minimum qualifications are required and while different skill sets are needed in some schools more than others, an enquiring mind and being a team player will go a long way.
Interested? Please complete the form below and we will be in touch.
What happens now?
Once you submit this form, we will contact you to discuss next steps.