Our values underpin what we do, but equally importantly, we seek to make decisions that ensure that our Trust can achieve those values.

Voice of the Child
We place the voice of the child at the heart of decision-making, recognising that our work is ultimately to guide the next generation.
Our schools are embedded in their communities and sense of community is a responsibility as well as a value, embracing belonging, kindness, compassion, respect and the opportunities that brings.
Support is the rock upon which we choose to lean, to thrive, and the scaffolding we can give with humility to others, accepting that all of us need support at one time or another.
Integrity is central to our actions and means doing what we say we will do to stay authentic and encourage trust.
We always do the best we can to be genuine, non-judgmental and instil pride and we are proud of what we achieve and the difference we make.