The Finance, Audit and Risk Management committee are made up of the Directors/Trustees of the Trust. They meet half termly to ensure that the Trust is financially compliant and that we provide best value.
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- Neil Williams (Chair)
- Katie Hammond (Chair of Board)
- Jason Brine
- Jack Falcus (Vice-Chair)
Below is a brief summary of the Roles and Responsibilities as identified in the Scheme of Delegation:
To make appropriate comments and recommendations on such matters to the Trust Board on a regular basis on four key areas
- Finance: to ensure sound financial management of the Trust’s finances and resources, including proper planning, monitoring and probity in line with the ESFA guidelines and the Funding Agreement.
- Pay: to determine all matters/take all decisions relating to pay and related performance of staff to establish and approve a Trust Pay Policy and to monitor the Policy as necessary.
- Premises: to ensure sound management of the Trust’s premises including maintenance, development and health and safety.
- Staffing: to review, plan and manage staffing with due regard to financial aspects and in line with the Pay Policy.
They also assume the duties of the Audit Committee (as detailed in section 9, of the Scheme of Delegation)
The committee will also:
- review and recommend ratification for all finance related policies
- review and recommend ratification for all HR related policies
- review and recommend ratification for all premises related policies
- review the operation of the Academy’s code of practice for Directors/Trustees and Local Governing Bodies and code of conduct for staff
- staff expenses
Staff (attend meetings as non-members)
- Jo Heaton (CEO, Accounting Officer)
- Hayley Swinhoe (Chief Finance Officer)
- Lisa Cockburn (Chief Operating Officer)