The People & Wellbeing Committee is made up of Trustees of the Trust. The Director of People and Resource Management will be in attendance to present information. The quorum of the Committee is 3 Trustees.
The focus of the committee is to make appropriate comments and recommendations to the MAT board on the wellbeing of staff across Northern Lights Learning Trust and the efficient staffing of the Trust to ensure people are at the heart of all we do. This includes a focus on staff recruitment, retention and staff development within Northern Lights, it’s Early Years and Teaching School Hubs. In doing so, the committee is authorised to request any information it requires from any employee within Northern Lights Learning Trust.
It is authorised to obtain any outside legal or independent advice it considers necessary and may require experts to be present to advise the committee on any matters relating to staffing and HR matters in Northern Lights.
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- Rev. David Tolhurst (Chair)
- Katie Hammond (Chair of Board)
- Jason Brine
- Liam Roberts
The committee will:
- monitor staffing levels, absences and any staff related issues in line with the Scheme of Delegation;
- monitor staff wellbeing across the Trust;
- review the operation of Northern Lights Learning Trust’s code of practice for Trustees and Local Governing Body members and any relevant aspects of code of conduct for staff, in line with the Scheme of Delegation;
- review, plan and manage staffing across Northern Lights having due regard to financial aspects and ensure that it is in line with the Pay Policy.
- ensure that the performance management of staff is carried out in line with Trust Policy.
- report to the MAT Board on assurances and provide recommendations to the MAT board.
- undertake any delegated tasks as directed by the MAT board.
The committee will also:
- review and recommend ratification for all HR related policies.