If your school’s values align with ours, then please get in touch for an informal conversation.
Northern Lights Learning Trust was established in 2016. We are committed to making a positive difference to education in the North East.
Our Teaching School Hub is one of just 87 in the country for excellence for teacher training and development.
Set up by the Department for Education, in 2023 we added the Early Years Stronger Practice Hub: North East to provide advice, share good practice, and offer evidence-based professional development for early years practitioners.
Reasons why we know our schools are stronger together:
• Improved outcomes for pupils
• Financial benefits –reducing outgoings and shared purchasing power
• Collaborative working
• Executive and Central Team expertise
• Opportunities to save money through
shared services
• Autonomy to retain the distinctiveness of your school
• Retain Local Governing Body
• Clear scheme of delegation
• Expertise of school improvement and teacher development team: trained Ofsted inspectors, trained SIAMS inspector (Church schools), NLE, SLEs, school and Trust support, subject expertise
• Opportunity to be an integral part of the DfE ‘golden thread’ of teacher development
• A registered sponsor Trust – approved by the DfE to support schools joining our Trust
• Development and support for Governors.
If you are considering joining our Trust, now is a key time in its growth – we are evolving and developing as we increase in size and scope. Your voice will be heard.
• See our Northern Lights’ values here.

Click here to read about the many ways we work together to ensure that young people and adults are given the opportunities and support to flourish.